Mike Rowe is known as the host and narrator of TV’s Dirty Jobs, but his work ethic extends far beyond that. His foundation, mikeroweWORKS, promotes skilled trade careers and rewards those who understand the importance of personal responsibility, delayed gratification and a positive attitude.
The scholarship program asks applicants to sign the S.W.E.A.T pledge, answer questions, submit references and make a video.

The Vision
Former “Dirty Jobs” host Mike Rowe has been on a mission to promote skilled trade careers since 2008. He created his mikeroweWORKS Foundation in 2008, and the scholarship program is one of its many offerings. The foundation awards money to students enrolled in vocational/technical schools across the country.
The scholarships are geared toward those who are interested in careers like plumbing, electrical work and welding. Those kinds of careers require hands-on training, rather than the traditional classroom setting that you might find at a four-year college or university.
Rowe has made a name for himself traveling the country embedding with plumbers, electricians and steamfitters on episodes of his show. He has shown that working in the trades isn’t a backwards or inferior choice, and that these workers are vital to keeping society humming along.
During his tenure on the show, Rowe was often in dirty and sometimes dangerous situations. He was able to connect with his audience through his enthusiasm and storytelling, and showed that working in the skilled trades can be exciting and rewarding.
To this day, the mikeroweWORKS Foundation continues to offer its scholarships through an application process. The foundation looks for applicants that share its values, which are outlined in the S.W.E.A.T pledge: “Skills & Work Ethic Aren’t Taboo.” Those values include work ethic, personal responsibility, delayed gratification and a positive attitude.
The goal of the scholarship is to help narrow the skills gap in the United States and allow students to pursue vocational/technical programs without the added burden of student debt. Students can apply by submitting a video, four questions and two references. They must also be enrolled in a qualified vocational/technical school and have been accepted into the program they are applying for. The scholarships can be worth up to $10,000.
The Pledge
As the host and narrator of TV’s popular series “Dirty Jobs,” Mike Rowe spent his career traveling across America and visiting the plumbers, electricians, welders, steamfitters, mechanics, pipe fitters, blacksmiths, and other skilled trade workers who keep this country running. His foundation, the mikeroweWORKS Foundation, is dedicated to promoting those values and increasing awareness of the skills that keep America moving. It’s also committed to addressing the skill gap by providing scholarships for people who want to learn one of these valuable trades.
The mikeroweWORKS Scholarship Program is open to anyone wishing to pursue a skilled trade through an apprenticeship or vocational/technical school. The foundation wants to ensure that anyone who has the desire and commitment to learn a trade doesn’t have to worry about financing their training, particularly those with financial need. Applicants are asked to submit documentation including a high school transcript, proof of enrollment at an accredited vocational or trade school, and the S.W.E.A.T Pledge, which emphasizes personal responsibility and delayed gratification.
The scholarship can be applied to tuition, books, tools, and other expenses related to training for a skilled trade. The scholarship can be used for a variety of trade-related programs, including welding, HVAC, and plumbing. Those who have received the scholarship in the past have found it especially helpful for paying for tools and supplies for their apprenticeships, and some have even used it to pay off student loans.
For example, a 2021 recipient named Bryanna Solmonson is now a farrier with a debt-free education thanks to her scholarship from the mikeroweWORKS Foundation. In addition to receiving a $2,500 scholarship, she was also given the opportunity to attend Heartland Horseshoeing School and learn her trade from an industry leader.
If you’re interested in learning more about the mikeroweWORKS Scholarship and how it could help you get your foot in the door of a new career, you can visit the official website here. There you’ll find all the information you need, including how to apply. The deadline to apply for the scholarship is TBD for 2024, but it’s never too early to start planning!
The Essay
Mike Rowe is known for his TV series Dirty Jobs, and he also narrates Discovery Channel shows like Shark Week. He’s also a philanthropist, giving back to the public by encouraging people to learn a skilled trade. He’s done this through his foundation, mikeroweWORKS, and through the Work Ethic Scholarship program that he launched in 2022.
The foundation awards scholarships to individuals who are pursuing skills that will help fill the current workforce gaps in the US. The goal is to highlight the importance of skilled labor and promote a revival of the trades. To be eligible for a scholarship, applicants must be enrolled or planning to enroll in one of the approved trade education programs. Applicants must also write an essay about why they want to study a specific skill.
Applicants must show that they have a good work ethic and understand the value of the trades. They must also agree to the mikeroweWORKS S.W.E.A.T Pledge, which emphasizes personal responsibility, delayed gratification, and a positive attitude toward hard work. In addition, applicants must answer questions about the pledge and their career goals.
While many people think that the only way to get a well-paying job is to go to a four-year college, Mike Rowe’s scholarship is meant to encourage people to pursue a trade. It gives them the opportunity to work with skilled professionals and gain hands-on experience. By doing so, they’ll be able to build a better future for themselves and their families.
Vocational and technical schools focus on teaching students a specific skill, which they can use to start or grow their own business. They offer more hands-on training than a traditional college and typically require less time to graduate. In some cases, students can earn a degree in as little as two years.
The mikeroweWORKS foundation has also launched a campaign to provide scholarships to prison inmates so they can train for in-demand, yet underrepresented trades. This will give them the chance to break the cycle of reoffending when they leave jail and enter society with something of value to contribute.
The Transcript
Mike Rowe, the host of Discovery Channel’s popular blue-collar series Dirty Jobs, is on a mission to promote apprentice programs and trade schools. He believes there is a “critical skill gap” in careers like plumbing, carpentry and construction and wants to help fill it. To that end, his mikeroweWORKS Foundation is awarding scholarships to people who want to learn a skilled trade and demonstrate a strong work ethic. Four Wyomingites are among the latest class of recipients, including Stockton Buck, Rachel Lear, Gracee Painter and Carson Holmes.
Nima: I know that Mike Rowe’s goal is to help close the skills gap, but I have to say I am kind of surprised to see him promoting this scholarship program given his track record on social issues. He’s been vocal against raising the minimum wage, he’s attacked Colin Kaepernick, Black Lives Matter and Bernie Sanders. He’s a fixture on right-wing media, he’s on Tucker Carlson’s show regularly and writes a regular column for the Daily Caller which is backed by the Koch Brothers.
I guess what I’m getting at is that while he’s touting his scholarship program, it’s really just another way for him to push his political agenda and scratch an itchy ego. It’s a little bit like the Tea Party hucksters, who took advantage of the potential for leftist unrest after the recession and channeled it into astroturf for the Koch Brothers’ agenda.
Adam: I would have to agree with you on that. One of the things that Mike Rowe rails against when he’s pushing his vocational training is that not everyone should go to a four year liberal arts college and he does it in a very snide and anti-intellectual way. He seems to be trying to create a low-wage, non-union labor base.
If you’re interested in applying for the Mike Rowe Scholarship, you can do so by following these steps: Enroll or plan to enroll in a qualified trade school or apprentice program. Send two references from teachers or employers. Fill out the Skills and Work Ethic Aren’t Taboo Pledge, answer the essay questions and upload a video explaining your qualifications.