Over 69,270 students participate annually in Indiana’s Choice Scholarship program. In 2023, lawmakers broadened eligibility to make this program available to nearly all Hoosier families.
Families interested in the program should be aware of a few important things to know. This guide will help you navigate the application process from start to finish.
The Indiana Choice Scholarship Program, or vouchers, provides eligible students with scholarships to offset tuition costs at private schools. The program has expanded dramatically in recent years as the state grapples with declining test scores and discontent over public education. Its popularity has been fueled by political leaders who see it as a way to help poor families escape underperforming public schools. Despite this, the program has been heavily debated, with both supporters and opponents raising concerns about its impact on public education.
The eligibility requirements for the Indiana Choice Scholarship are similar to those of many other educational choice programs across the country. Families must meet both income and student requirements to receive a scholarship. In order to qualify for the program, your family’s annual household income must be less than or equal to 400% of the amount needed for your child to qualify for a federal free or reduced-price lunch program. You must also submit proof of your student’s attendance at a public school in your district of legal settlement, and provide the first two pages of your most recent tax return.
To determine if your student is eligible for the Indiana Choice Scholarship, you can take our eligibility quiz. If you are unsure about the requirements, you can contact us to request more information and we will be happy to guide you through the process.
The Indiana school voucher movement has exploded in recent years, with voters supporting policies that allow students to use taxpayer-funded vouchers to attend non-public schools. Proponents of the program argue that it should be open to all students, regardless of whether their current public school is failing or not meeting their needs. Opponents, however, have raised concerns that the program will siphon resources away from public schools and into private hands.
In 2023, Indiana policymakers took a big leap toward expanding the program by making income eligibility nearly universal. The state estimates that around 97% of the state’s students will be able to participate in the program. The typical student who uses a voucher is described as a white, elementary-aged girl from a family of four or five people with an average income of about $100,000.
Application process
The Indiana Choice Scholarship, or voucher program, is a public funding initiative that allows families to choose the education of their children. The program provides scholarships to help pay for tuition at private schools, including Catholic school. It has become one of the most popular education options for Indiana families. However, many families are not aware of the process to apply for a Choice Scholarship.
Parents who wish to use the voucher must first complete a FACTS Grant and Aid application. Once the application is completed, the family will be contacted by Bishop Chatard to determine eligibility for the scholarship. Families may also access the NWI Choice Scholar calculator, powered by Big Shoulders Fund, to see if they are eligible for the voucher.
To qualify for the Indiana Choice Scholarship, a family must have income that is less than 400 percent of the federal free and reduced-price lunch poverty level. Families who meet the eligibility criteria may also apply for the Education Scholarship Account (ESA) or the School Scholarship Tax Credit. ESAs allow students with disabilities to receive specialized educational services, while the Tax Credit Scholarship encourages individual and corporate donations to support the scholarship programs.
Indiana has one of the nation’s largest voucher programs. The state’s school choice movement is gaining momentum, with lawmakers and parents pushing to expand educational freedom for children. While critics worry that the state will lose control over public education, supporters believe that the voucher program will help students from underprivileged backgrounds find the best schools for them.
In 2023, the new budget expanded eligibility for the Indiana Choice Scholarship to include all families earning $222,000 or below. This significantly increased the number of families able to participate in the program. It also eliminated a number of pathway requirements, including previous enrollment in a public school.
To make the most of the Indiana Choice Scholarship, families should begin the enrollment process early. This will ensure that they are able to find the right school for their child, and that they have enough time to apply for the voucher before the first period deadline. A qualified enrollment consultant will be able to help them with the application process and answer any questions.
The Indiana Choice Scholarship program allows families to choose the school that best fits their student’s unique needs. The program provides scholarships that cover tuition for students at eligible private schools in Indiana. Families must satisfy both income and student eligibility requirements in order to participate in the program. The scholarships are funded by individuals and corporate donors. These donations are matched with state tax credits, which encourages investment in education. The Indiana Choice Scholarship is one of many private school choice programs across the country.
During the 2023 legislative session, lawmakers took a giant leap in educational freedom by expanding Indiana’s Choice Scholarship program to nearly universal eligibility. In addition to raising the income threshold to 400% of the federal free and reduced-price lunch threshold, lawmakers also removed other restrictions like having an IEP or attending an F-rated school. As a result, the number of Hoosier students using their scholarship jumped to record levels this school year.
However, the program still has room to grow. The current budget only covers about 40% of the cost of attending a private school, and this is not enough to provide the same quality of education as that offered by public schools. Moreover, the Indiana Choice Scholarship does not fully cover all of a child’s tuition costs, which could limit participation in the program.
As a result, some parents are taking advantage of other educational options, such as homeschooling, to get their children the best education possible. This has become particularly popular in Indiana, where homeschooling has grown by 32% this year.
Other states are following suit, boosting state funding for private school choice in the process. According to a new report by FutureEd, students in Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Iowa, Indiana, Ohio, North Carolina, Oklahoma, and West Virginia are participating in private school choice programs at a cost of $4 billion this year. The researchers compared the academic performance of those students with students in public schools to find that the students in voucher programs performed as well or better than their counterparts in public school districts.
Until recently, the only way to use state education funds for private school tuition was to meet one of several pathways. However, 2023’s new budget expanded income eligibility for the Indiana Choice Scholarship to 400% of free and reduced-price lunch limits (for a family of four that’s $222,000 annually). This expansion makes it possible for nearly every student in Indiana to attend a private school of their choosing using vouchers from their state taxpayer dollars.
The eligibility criteria are very simple. Students must be between ages five and 22 to qualify, and they must live in Indiana with a legal settlement address and meet the income guidelines. These guidelines are based on the Adjusted Gross Income line on your 2023 federal tax return (1040).
For the 2024-2025 school year, ISI is pleased to be expanding our participation as a Choice Scholarship Participating School to include the Lower School*. This will allow families to offset the cost of their child’s enrollment in any accredited Lower School in the diocese, including Bishop Chatard, by applying the state education funding they receive through the Choice Scholarship toward tuition at their chosen Lower School.
If you’re interested in learning more about the program, contact us at your preferred ISI campus or fill out our form. Our enrollment consultants will help you determine your family’s eligibility and assist with the application process.
During the first application period, 69,271 Choice Scholarship applications were approved by the state, Chalkbeat Indiana reports. This number is expected to rise after the second round of applications, which closes in January. The scholarship can cover up to 95 percent of tuition at many Indiana private schools, including the International School of Indianapolis. If your child’s tuition is not fully covered by the Choice Scholarship, there are also need-based scholarships that can help fill the gap.